Blondie Debbie Harry Got Plastic Surgery for Business Reasons!

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Debbie Harry has not shied away from the fact that she has had plastic surgery to maintain her looks. In fact, comparing cosmetic procedures to flu jabs, she said that it was a way of taking care of yourself because aging gets hard on her features. Debbie Harry said that she gets sad sometimes because of too much focus on her beauty but that hasn't stopped her from getting plastic surgery (facelift) for business reasons. 

Debbie Harry is the glamorous punk icon and diva who rocked the 1980s with her band. She burst into the scene as the lead vocalist of Blondie with their debut UK single Denis in 1978. It was an immediate hit and from then onwards, the band has only been iconic. It must be their New York sound that elevated their fame. They were one of the most popular bands of the 70s and 80s.

And of one of the most popular bands of the 70s and 80s, Debbie Harry is the frontrunner and thus, the most well-known and loved. She's the queen of the band who rules a lot of hearts. She's sexy and sultry and captivating and it's that attitude of hers that make her so intimidating and cool. She does not seem to be the kind of person who would be dazed by anything but turns out, aging has messed with her. I mean, she got plastic surgery for business reasons. Let's learn more about what she has said about cosmetic surgery!

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Debbie Harry's Plastic Surgery: She Got a Facelift for Business Reasons!

Debbie Harry (@blondieofficial) has been candid about the fact that she got plastic surgery to maintain her appearance. She revealed that she had a facelift.

Debbie Harry has gotten plastic surgery to look young. houseandwhips.comDebbie Harry has gotten plastic surgery to look young.
Image Source: Rolling Stone

The Blondie star looks great for her age, doesn't she? I mean, who could ever guess that she is currently in 78th year of her life? I bet that if you didn't know how old she is, you couldn't. Nobody could because just look at how she looks. She could be three decades younger, she has maintained herself that well. She has literally defied aging. How, you might be thinking? Well, the answer to that, in context of showbiz and the entertainment industry, will always be plastic surgery.

Debbie Harry's face is not covered in wrinkles and lines and creases that should have been there and her cheeks are not sagging down as is normal for someone who's entering her eighties. And it's certainly not because she's got her hands on some age-defying serum or something. It's because she got anti-aging treatments to not look old. It's because she made the decision to get plastic surgery to fight aging.

And the singer was right in making that decision because she looks very stunning and youthful now. She does not look her age and for someone who used to be as celebrated for her glam quotient as for her music, it has to be a blessing. Well, not really a blessing since she made it happen with the aid of plastic surgery but the point is, it's very important to her because her beauty is associated with her image.

Debbie Harry's Opinions on Plastic Surgery!

Because Debbie Harry used to be the stunning and glamorous punk icon and was considered a sex symbol in her prime, you could say that her beauty is also a huge part of her image. And because she couldn't have aging stripping her of her beauty and washing off a part of her image, she started getting anti-aging treatments. That's why she underwent a facelift procedure in order to hold on to her youthfulness.

Debbie Harry said cosmetic surgery is similar to having a flu jab. houseandwhips.comDebbie Harry said cosmetic surgery is similar to having a flu jab.
Image Source: NY Post

The punk icon may not like it much but she still would get plastic surgery if the other alternative is aging and getting wrinkles and stuff as there has been too much focus on her looks and her beauty throughout her career and she feels the need to maintain herself because of it. She doesn't think too much of cosmetic procedures. She doesn't make a fuss about it. As she wrote in her memoir Face It, it's similar to having a flu jab.

However, it sometimes gets to Debbie Harry to think that people care more about her looks than her music and to wonder if she has accomplished anything beyond her image. But as someone in the glam industry, she can't dwell too much in such thoughts because aging occupies her in part. As she said, getting older has been hard on her features. So, to ease that, she got plastic surgery.

In 2009, Harry admitted that she got cosmetic treatments to look young and to "stay in the game" and said that she does not regret it because it's for "business reasons."

Everybody knows that I've had plastic surgery. I did it for business reasons. You photograph better, and looks are a key part of being an entertainer, so I felt it was something I had to do.

Despite understanding that it comes within her territory, Debbie Harry sometimes feels burdened by the pressure to keep up with beauty standards.

You start to think about the value of beauty as you're growing older. It's double-edged for sure.

But as a public figure, she cannot think about it for too much, she has to collect herself and do whatever she can do to retain her youthfulness for her image if she's staying in the game. She only needs to feel and look better and that's what she said plastic surgery was about. As Debbie Harry wrote in her memoir,

I think it's the same as having a flu shot basically, another way of looking after yourself. If it makes you feel better and look better and work better, that's what it's all about.
